Lower Austria
Business Park
MaaS Ambassador Susanna Hauptmann
There is a great need to improve the mobility of the 11,000 employees at this location. The business park is expected to act, but for the most part does not have the specific skills to do so. Therefore, the most important steps towards integrated and attractive mobility in the business park are solution alliances. In such a complex and multi-layered environment, we need to develop “external” solution alliances with MSPs, TSPs and authorities and “internal” solution alliances with the individual companies and their many employees.
MaaS Scale:
MaaS scale: (1= We are thinking about MaaS, 4= We have a good MaaS solution but would like to improve/expand it)
MaaS Scale:
*MaaS scale: (1= We are thinking about MaaS, 4= We have a good MaaS solution but would like to improve/expand it)